1.At 6:30pm (I'm tired as hell, in coma, braindead...) 2. At 8:00pm (I'm being social in the internet.) 3. At 9:30pm "...nothing good comes from tv tonight..." (still being extremely social!!) 4. At 11:00pm "What shall I do next?" (Yes, I am stretching my leg...I do it when I'm bored) 5. Fifteen minutes after midnight (this is the time when I'm most alive. Though I'm quite tired usually, I still get those master ideas. Bad timing, huh? Have to wake up early for school) "Hahaa! Great plot! I'll write it down..." "I love that character! What should I call her..." "Gosh I feel like singing!" "One day I write a novel!" "Lovely detail for a dress! Which one of my characters should wear it?" "I wish I had the energy to do a comic with watercolours..."